Why you don’t pay for CHEER!

Take a moment and click HERE to read why you aren’t just paying for cheer – your money is going to something much greater for your child. Parents work very hard in order to support their children in all their many activities, after reading this you can give yourselves a big pat on the back for supporting your kids not only become better athletes, musicians, artists, etc. but supporting your kids be great people! Ready to face life’s challenges head on!

If we only focus on the achievement of skill and championships won as the point of cheer, we miss the big picture of what the sport actually contributes to your child’s life. Getting a back walkover will not make or break who your child becomes, but the hard work, perseverance, focus and refusal to give up when you feel discouraged will. Sport is where kids can safely practice life! Life has challenges, failures, discouragement, obstacles and pain. Before facing the real stuff of life, young athletes get to develop the skills they need to take it all in stride and succeed in spite of it all. At CheerStrike we think that is worth paying for!

Hard work paying off on the competition floor
You didn’t pay for this back walkover, you paid for all the perseverance it took to achieve it
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